“Give Me Just 57 Minutes and I’ll Show You How to Grow Your Business 25% – 100% in 60-90 Days or Less Without Spending More On Advertising…GUARANTEED”
From: David Coker, Outrageous Business Growth
Dear Fellow Business Owner,
If you would like to increase your sales by 25% – 100% or more in the next 60-90 days without spending more on advertising…I have an exciting no-strings offer that I think will interest you.
Generating sales for my own business is something I’ve done extremely well. I’ve been running a service business in the Hastings, Bexhill and Battle area for 30 years now and have over 5400 happy local clients who use my company time and time again. I now only work a few hours every week ‘on the business’ instead of working ‘in it’.
Over the years I’ve helped many of my colleagues to increase sales dramatically in their own businesses (free of charge, I might add!). It’s something that I love to do. Now I’ve decided to start another business – helping other small businesses to increase their sales.
I’ve teamed up with a consultant who has been using a remarkable system for the last seventeen years that guarantees to grow a business by 25%-100% in just 60-90 days without spending more on advertising. He’s used many of the little known strategies that I myself have used in my own service business. I think it’s so good…I’ve bought the rights to use it exclusively in the local area.
Now you know as well as I do that most so-called consultants want to help you grow your business by some form of costly advertising. You know the sort of thing…“You need to get your name out there more by sending out these 5000 brochures or advertising on this ‘wall-planner’ etc etc” And you know as well that in most cases this simply does not work (except for the consultant’s bank balance).
Here’s what some business owners have said about this system:
Mortgage Loan Broker – 100% increase in business from just one idea! “These concepts and techniques are so unique and simple that you’ll be amazed at how easy they are to grasp.” John Mallet, Citibank
Health Program – Revenue doubles in 30 days! “I consider myself to be a very astute businessman and marketer. It’s very difficult to take anyone’s suggestions, especially when I’m doing over £15,000 per month from my basement. But, I was convinced to try a small change in my marketing. By making one little adjustment in our sales process, we went from £18,000 per month to over £34,000 the next month. Wow.'” Dr. Samuel West, International Academy of Lymphology
The above are testimonials from business owners just like you who have used the system. Unfortunately they are not my testimonials. So I thought “what if I offer to implement part of the system absolutely free of charge so business owners can see what I can do…risk-free?”
So I’m looking for clients who:
- want to grow their business without spending money on (often wasteful) advertising
- are willing to put into practice new ideas (although I do most of the implementing)
- will give me a testimonial after I’ve worked with you detailing how the system has dramatically increased their sales (don’t worry…I can write this for you but it must be truthful)
If this is not you… please don’t read any further. I will only be wasting your time.
However if this is you, then please read on, to see if we’re made for each other…..
Here’s what I propose:
I’m willing to present my concepts and my ideas for rapid sales growth to you in a concise, straightforward, fully disclosed manner for no charge. (most of these are so logical and obvious…but I bet you’re not doing them!) I’m willing to reveal everything that I am interested in doing. I’m willing to prove to you that it will work. I’ll explain to you the process of testing, back-end, making each advertising penny productive, joint-venturing and much more.
Then, if you and I are compatible…that means not only do we like each other, but we feel that we are philosophically in accord with what I want to do and what you want to accomplish…I’m willing to engineer, mastermind, implement, administer and manage the application of my concepts in your business.
If this proposal interests you I’d like to meet you. The ideas and techniques I introduce and recommend will be so clearly viable and logical the moment I share them with you.
How am I different?
I use a unique marketing approach. The genius of the system is that I leverage hidden marketing assets that you already have to grow a business in three ways:
- Get more prospects
- Increase the conversion rate of prospects to customers
- Increase the value or worth of each customer
The result is EXPONENTIAL growth for your business sales!
Most business rely on only one way to grow their business…get more new customers, get more new customers. This is expensive, unpredictable and wasteful at best. And they use only a couple of strategies to increase sales, usually advertising and sales staff. The problem is…when there’s an economic downturn and these don’t work so well, the business can crumble. This system recommends a multi-strategy approach which gives much more stable growth.
Because I leverage existing marketing assets, you can often see dramatic and highly profitable growth without having to invest a lot of money or make a lot of significant changes in your business operation. And because this doesn’t involve extra costly advertising, the profit is simply much greater. It’s a system that has been used around the world since 1990 and is easy to implement and guaranteed to work!
Not only that, I actually implement the systems in your business. I have found that if you’re like most small business owners, you’ve read marketing books that can increase sales but just never get round to implementing it…you’re just too busy running your business!
So here’s what I’m prepared to do to gain YOU as a client…
I’ve looked at your company superficially and I believe you are an appropriate prospect for the kind of marketing I do. I believe there is a 90% probability that I can ultimately add zeros to the profits your business already produces for you (and as you well know, if I put zeros at the end of your profits, I’ve instantaneously added two or three zeros to the worth of your business.)
I’ll give you a free 57 minute Opportunity Analysis. This will show you exactly what money you’re leaving on the table. I promise you’ll be amazed.
I’ll show you things like:
- how to avoid being a commodity
- how to deal with ‘price shoppers’…in fact how to get off the price battlefield altogether
- how to convert more prospects to paying customers
- how to reduce to virtually zero the cost of getting new clients
- how to stop spending money on wasteful advertising
…all the while increasing your profits dramatically.
Then, if you wish I’ll show you how to implement Step 1 absolutely free. (By the way…this is the most important step…without this you’re definitely losing sales to your competitors) and I’ll give you free advice on how to implement the remaining steps.
Here’s how this works: I know what you’re thinking… I don’t want to get a “salesman” round here to give me a ‘hard sell’ and then I’ll be too embarrassed to say no… and so on. So what I’m prepared to do is this:
I’ll give you a free Opportunity Analysis. This is absolutely free with no strings attached. If I can’t do anything for you – I’ll tell you. But I think it’s very unlikely you’ve seen these strategies before, let alone are actually doing them.
So what’s the catch?
This is the most common question I get from these letters. I don’t blame you for being suspicious. After all “there’s no such thing as a free lunch” is there.
Here’s the reason I’m doing this… Firstly, I want testimonials so I can attract more business later.
Plus, if I can demonstrate how good I am…risk free to you… you’re more likely to pay me to implement the remaining steps for you, right? Especially if I can demonstrate that I will produce more revenue that you’re paying me. And hopefully you’ll tell your business friends and they’ll use me too.
The cost of each step is £997 and there are at least four steps that every business should have, so it’s only viable for you if you have sales of over £100,000 per year. However, this will result in £25,000 in extra sales at 25% growth. If I can double your revenue…you’re laughing! And don‘t forget…I actually do it all for you!
So, if you’re a just a £100k revenue business and I grow your sales by just 25% (that’s £25,000) you’ve already easily covered my fees.
But what if I can double your sales?
What would that mean to you?… more time off, more holidays? Would you be able to hire someone extra to remove the stress from your life so that you can ‘manage’ the business by working on it instead of being absorbed in it?
By the way, this system is only useful for businesses that have been trading for at least three years. It’s not intended for start-ups. That’s because it finds hidden marketing assets already existing in the business and which most small business owners simply do not see.
Not only that…at the moment my other business produces all the revenue I need while I try out this experiment.
All I ask is that you please don’t take advantage of me. If you have absolutely no intention whatsoever of approaching this with an open mind then please don’t use this offer. Otherwise there really are no strings attached and definitely NO high pressure selling (I personally hate that).
Oh, and one more important thing. I’m very serious about my guarantee. That’s why you get my 100% No-Risk Iron Clad Guarantee. What does this mean? Simply this:
I guarantee that if I work for you, any fees you pay are covered by increased sales or I will continue working for you free of charge until you are satisfied.
Kind regards,
David Coker
P.S. For a FREE 57 minute ‘Opportunity Analysis’ to see if I can help you grow YOUR business by 25% – 100% in as little as 60-90 days call me on (01424)722900.
P.P.S. For a FREE Report “Explode Your Sales in Only 30 Days” click BELOW
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